How to be louder in the bedroom with your partner

So just the other day I was having a conversation with female friend when they asked a question that seems to be one many women think of so I went to my twitter where I looked up Sex Doctor Zhana.  She runs a website called The Casual Sex Project ( ) in efforts to show the world that a casual hook up isn’t as taboo as the general population of the world thinks it is. Sorry, I wanted to get her plug in since she was very helpful about this topic & help clear up fairly vague question that apparently many women, and maybe a few men have posed while in the midst of intercoure.

Read the embedded tweets below to see the conversation that occurred on twitter.

As you can clearly see Dr. Zhana has made it clear as day that if you want something to just state it.  I’m one of those people that likes clear information & if it contributes to another persons enjoyment then my mission has been accomplished.  So I hope you enjoyed the first installment on here on the the Entertainment Jam.