Flooding the content Market just to be greedy.

Disney may change the game but in negative ways.

Let me be clear about this… when CBS All Access came out & they included an exclusive Star Trek show to entice people to pay money for the new service, I about went entirely bonkers. Seriously, the research & development teams are all doped up. I’d rather have an all in one stop shop but no, everyone on the freaking planet has to make a buck off their content. Well, that’s why I have numerous websites myself but haven’t had an ROI yet because I haven’t figured out what makes a website popular but I do know one thing.  Between TV shows, movies, music, independent media, & smartphone cameras the content market is over saturated with something to watch. Hey, pull up the newest cat video on Youtube or the Internet killed the TV star. 

I’m not going to say Disney will fail at this but you’re hurting your customer & consumer in the long run with this. We like options but we can’t subscribe to every service. You’d have to be quite wealthy to do such. Sadly… it seems the days are numbered on where you be able to access your favorite show. Which isn’t good for you but for someone else. Bummer.